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How Septic Tank Pumping Works

If your home is connected to a public sewer system, then you don’t have to worry about maintaining that system yourself, as that is the job of the local government. If you have a septic tank, on the other hand, then the responsibility of maintaining it falls to you as the homeowner. In our experience at Sauer Septic, this prospect is often somewhat intimidating to homeowners who have never had a septic tank before, and we want to help alleviate those worries. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of exactly how septic tank pumping works so that you know what to expect from the whole process.

The way a septic tank works is that all the wastewater from your home flows through a pipe and into the tank. Once inside, the solid wastes sink to the bottom of the tank and are broken down by bacteria into sludge. Meanwhile, the liquid effluent flows through an exit pipe into the drain field, a network of filters that treat the water and ultimately release it back into the soil. The sludge at the bottom does not leave the tank except via septic tank pumping, a process that involves a septic company like ours bringing a tanker truck to your property, vacuuming all the solid waste out, and then hauling it to a treatment facility for disposal.

The only parts of the septic tank pumping process that you need to worry about are scheduling the initial visit and keeping an eye on your system for possible problems in between pumping sessions. Once you are in our system, our team can calculate the optimal schedule for your septic tank pumping needs, and we will set you up on a recurring appointment so that you never miss this important part of maintenance.