Home > Sauer Septic Blog > Septic Tank Inspections: What to Expect

Septic Tank Inspections: What to ExpectWhen you’re a homeowner you typically have a mental checklist of everything you need to do in order to properly maintain your home. However, inspections aren’t typically on the top of that list. You should have your septic tank inspected periodically to ensure that everything is working properly. If you’re not sure what septic tank inspections entail, here’s what to expect.

There are two different types of septic tank inspections: routine and point of sale. Routine septic inspections are generally conducted to ensure everything is working properly and to identify any potential problems. A point of sale septic inspection is typically conducted when buying a home. This type of inspection is generally more thorough to give the buyer peace of mind that their new home won’t need an expensive septic system replaced from the get go. Here’s generally (but not limited to), what both types of inspections entail.

Routine Septic Inspection

  • Control panel inspection
  • Switches and alarms functioning properly
  • Inspect aeration unit and maintenance as needed
  • Perform sludge judge test (measures contents)
  • Clean filter unit
  • Inspect inlet and outlet tees
  • Inspect risers and cutters, UV disinfection system, and outfall

Point of Sale Septic Inspection

  • Inspect plumbing in the home
  • Search for leaks
  • Locate and inspect aeration system
  • Determine content levels in tanks
  • Inspect risers and cutters
  • Dye Test
  • Hydraulic load test
  • Inspect sump pump system (if applicable)
  • Create system map if necessary
  • Leach system review
  • Inspect for overall damage

We hope this information has given you a good idea of what to expect from both a routine septic inspection and a point of sale septic inspection. If you have any questions regarding septic tank inspections and the services we provide, please contact us at Sauer Septic today!